Palm Sunday 5th April 2020
Peace that comes from knowing God
CMP 1072 In Christ alone
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this cornerstone, this solid ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone – who took on flesh,
fullness of God in helpless Babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
scorned by the ones he came to save
till on that cross as Jesus died,
the wrath of God was satisfied,
for every sin on Him was laid;
here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground his body lay,
light of the world by darkness slain,
then, bursting forth in glorious day,
up from the grave He rose again!
And as he stands in victory
sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
for I am His and He is mine –
bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
this is the power of Christ in me;
from life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
can ever pluck me from His hand;
till He returns or calls me home,
here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!
Prayer of the Day
(inspired by Psalm 138)
Holy God, you are the God above and beyond all things! With trust, hope and humility in our hearts and minds, we gather to praise and worship you, the God who always hears and answers our prayers. God’s promises are trustworthy and honourable, and so with thankful hearts and minds, we praise and worship our God who understands and guides us.
Ever-loving and Faithful God, you are utterly to be trusted! God’s mercy and love does not discriminate between the rich and the poor, the powerful or the humble, but instead, God pours blessings and grace upon all people who respond to God’s gracious and generous acts of love and compassion.
Awesome God, we come in reverent wonder before our God! Every day and night, we have been blessed by the wonders of our God, whose ways are beyond our understanding, but whose mercy never fails; and whose gentle powers are shown through God’s unfailing kindness to people who are weak and in need of strength, encouragement and hope for the future.
Ever-present God, your faithful love endures for ever, and ever. We give thanks with all our hearts to our Listening and Faithful God. Amen.
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Welcome Worship Witness
Here are Marc's reflections from previous Sundays
Paul’s words are of relevance to our current situation - words of hope to hold onto.
“I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39
Click or tap on the service, below, to see that service.
These are videos, on YouTube or another page on this website, that open in a new window/tab.
29th May 2022: No recording until further notice.
15th May 2022: Where can I hide from God?
1st May 2022: Be the aroma of Christ
24th Apri 2022: To experience true peace ...
17th April 2022: No recording this week
10th April 2022: Take it to the Lord in prayer
3rd April 2022: No recording this week
27th March 2022: Fix your eyes upon Jesus
6th March 2022: No recording this week.
27th February 2022: Citizens of Heaven
20th February 2022: See the doughnut, not the hole
13th February 2022: No recording this week.
6th February 2022: I am the bread of life
30th January 2022: No online service this week.
23rd January 2022: When to Pray the sermon was not recorded this week.
16th January 2022: Prayer from Paul
9th January 2022: Prayer recording problems means that there is no sermon in the video, just a short text extract.
19th December 2021: Peace - Activity and Nativity family service there was no recording of today`s short talk and nativity
12th December 2021: Joy came down at Christmas recording problems means that at the moment there is no sermon, only the praise and bible reading
28th November 2021: Love came down recording problems means that there is no sermon only the praise and bible reading
14th November 2021: Remembrance Sunday
7th November 2021: recording problems meant that there is no video of the service
31st October 2021: Patience recording problems means that there is no sermon only the praise and bible reading
17th October 2021: Surviving the storms
10th October 2021: The Heavenly Guide
26th September 2021: The wisdom of God
19th September 2021: Controlling the tongue
12th September 2021: The real deal
5th September 2021: Do the Word
29th August 2021 : Rich and poor
15th August 2021: 9:45 service N.B. There was no sermon recorded today.
8th August 2021: Listening to God
1st August 2021: Listening to our critics
25th July 2021: Listening to those we love
18th July 2021: God listening to us
11th July 2021: Finding a rhythm of rest. Preacher Anne Redpath
4th July 2021: Thank you. Preacher: Anne Stewart
27th June 2021: Breaking through barriers Preacher: Anne Redpath
20th June 2021: Gentleness (Sermon and bible reading only)
6th June 2021: Follow Me (Sermon only)
25th April 2021: The Good Shepherd
18th April 2021: Sunday service
11th April 2021: Jesus among us
2nd April 2021: Good Friday Reflection
21st March 2021: The Price is Paid
28th February 2021: CROSS-Purpose - Love
31st Janaury 2021: The Faith of Moses
24th January 2021: Developing the Resilience of Ruth Service conducted by Anne Redpath
17th Janaury 2021: Faithfulness Today`s service was via Zoom. The link is to Marc`s reflection.
10th January 2021: Dare to be a Daniel
3rd January 2021: New Year`s resolutions
27th December 2020: Waiting Well Service conducted by Anne Redpath
25th December 2020: Christmas Day Service
24th December 2020: Watchnight Service
20th December 2020: Christmas is Cancelled! Not!
13th December 2020: Joy: Advent means Hope
6th December 2020: Peace: Advent means Hope