Palm Sunday 5th April 2020
Peace that comes from knowing God
CMP 1072 In Christ alone
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this cornerstone, this solid ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone – who took on flesh,
fullness of God in helpless Babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
scorned by the ones he came to save
till on that cross as Jesus died,
the wrath of God was satisfied,
for every sin on Him was laid;
here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground his body lay,
light of the world by darkness slain,
then, bursting forth in glorious day,
up from the grave He rose again!
And as he stands in victory
sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
for I am His and He is mine –
bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
this is the power of Christ in me;
from life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
can ever pluck me from His hand;
till He returns or calls me home,
here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!
Prayer of the Day
(inspired by Psalm 138)
Holy God, you are the God above and beyond all things! With trust, hope and humility in our hearts and minds, we gather to praise and worship you, the God who always hears and answers our prayers. God’s promises are trustworthy and honourable, and so with thankful hearts and minds, we praise and worship our God who understands and guides us.
Ever-loving and Faithful God, you are utterly to be trusted! God’s mercy and love does not discriminate between the rich and the poor, the powerful or the humble, but instead, God pours blessings and grace upon all people who respond to God’s gracious and generous acts of love and compassion.
Awesome God, we come in reverent wonder before our God! Every day and night, we have been blessed by the wonders of our God, whose ways are beyond our understanding, but whose mercy never fails; and whose gentle powers are shown through God’s unfailing kindness to people who are weak and in need of strength, encouragement and hope for the future.
Ever-present God, your faithful love endures for ever, and ever. We give thanks with all our hearts to our Listening and Faithful God. Amen.
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Welcome Worship Witness
What`s Happening
Contact the Madoch Centre for details of what is happening at the Centre -
phone (01738) 861023
or send an email to either or
or click here for the Madoch Centre`s What`s On page.
Sunday Morning service
Each Sunday the service starts at 10:30am in the Madoch Centre.
Engage - prayer and reflection
each Sunday evening
A short time of prayer and reflection at 7pm each Sunday in the Madoch Centre.
Wednesday Bible Study Group
This group is now meeting fortnightly at the Madoch Centre.
Contact the Madoch Centre for details.
Monthly Prayer for the work at the Maodch Centre
Monthly prayer slot for our unique privilege of building connections with so many people.
9.45am on the first Sunday of the month, in the Madoch Centre..
Please join us and let’s expect God to bring many to know him.
Please note that some of these dates and events are provisional and may change.
Sunday 8th Morning worship @ 10:30am
Tuesday 10th Kirk Session meeting
Sunday 15th Harvest Thanksgiving @ 10:30am - Thanksgiving Harvest gifts to go to Perth Foodbank
Tuesday 17th Kirk Session meeting
Friday 20th Body and Soul. Pilates and Psalms, Workout to Worship
Sunday 22nd Morning worship @ 10:30am
Sunday 29th Morning worship @ 10:30am
Sunday 6th Morning worship @ 10:30am
Sunday 13th Morning worship @ 10:30am
Sunday 20th Morning worship @ 10:30am
Sunday 27th Morning worship with Communion @ 10:30am
Other activities
In addition to our programme of weekly worship, current church activities include:
Faith based activities - open to all:
Build Up (Sunday School)
The Bridge / Digging Deeper - discussion group for teens
Christianity Explored and other types of study and exploration for the young and old to learn more about the Christian faith
Kirk Session meetings
Fellowship opportunities such as coffee, lunches and walks
Prayer groups
Sports and exercise activities for all ages and abilities - examples below:
High intensity training
Dance fitness activities
Facebook live fitness sessions
Seated exercise
Multi-activity sessions
Mini-tennis coaching
After-school classes
Jogging, walking and cycling groups
One to One training
Community Development activities:
Food schemes – larder & food parcels, soup deliveries, fareshare scheme, food planters
Social activities – parent and toddler groups, older adult lunches, youth activities, craft group, knitting group
Support activities – peer support: bereavement, dementia & Alzheimer’s, breastfeeding, parenting, counselling
Volunteering and youth training scheme
Community transport – lifts to medical appointments and support activities Community events and activities:
Daily drop-in Hub in partnership with Cafe Connect
Christmas family event - family activities
Easter family activities
Multi-sport events
Street lunches
Young people:
Volunteering opportunities
Youth events such as film nights
Youth continue to be involved in events for the community
This page last updated 5th September 24