Palm Sunday 5th April 2020
Peace that comes from knowing God
CMP 1072 In Christ alone
In Christ alone my hope is found,
He is my light, my strength, my song;
this cornerstone, this solid ground,
firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
when fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all,
here in the love of Christ I stand.
In Christ alone – who took on flesh,
fullness of God in helpless Babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
scorned by the ones he came to save
till on that cross as Jesus died,
the wrath of God was satisfied,
for every sin on Him was laid;
here in the death of Christ I live.
There in the ground his body lay,
light of the world by darkness slain,
then, bursting forth in glorious day,
up from the grave He rose again!
And as he stands in victory
sin’s curse has lost its grip on me,
for I am His and He is mine –
bought with the precious blood of Christ.
No guilt in life, no fear in death,
this is the power of Christ in me;
from life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man
can ever pluck me from His hand;
till He returns or calls me home,
here in the power of Christ I’ll stand!
Prayer of the Day
(inspired by Psalm 138)
Holy God, you are the God above and beyond all things! With trust, hope and humility in our hearts and minds, we gather to praise and worship you, the God who always hears and answers our prayers. God’s promises are trustworthy and honourable, and so with thankful hearts and minds, we praise and worship our God who understands and guides us.
Ever-loving and Faithful God, you are utterly to be trusted! God’s mercy and love does not discriminate between the rich and the poor, the powerful or the humble, but instead, God pours blessings and grace upon all people who respond to God’s gracious and generous acts of love and compassion.
Awesome God, we come in reverent wonder before our God! Every day and night, we have been blessed by the wonders of our God, whose ways are beyond our understanding, but whose mercy never fails; and whose gentle powers are shown through God’s unfailing kindness to people who are weak and in need of strength, encouragement and hope for the future.
Ever-present God, your faithful love endures for ever, and ever. We give thanks with all our hearts to our Listening and Faithful God. Amen.

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Welcome Worship Witness
Welcome to the website of St. Madoes & Kinfauns Parish Church.
Our mission is to be a Christian church of people that:
glorifies God and fulfils His plan for our community and beyond,
acts as a focal point for the worship of God and Christian fellowship
spreads the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ to all people.
We strive to achieve our mission through:
our worship of God;
the welfare of people in our community;
Christian education to people of all ages;
witness and outreach activity;
the communication of Christ’s love and welcoming all people into our Christian family.
We are part of a Parish Grouping, and in deferred linkage, with Errol linked with Kilspindie and Rait. Click on their name to open their web site.
2021 annual accounts now available under Our Church / Public documents
or by clicking here.
Covid-19 - see the Madoch Centre website for details of updated Centre programme.
What's on:-
For details of events please see Upcoming Events

Coronavirus/COVID-19 update
To Our Church Family
Dear All,
It feels like we are all caught up in a whirlwind or some kind of alternative reality perhaps it feels like some kind of bad dream that we'd just love to wake up from.
As we enter the government's 'stay at home - stay safe' phase of response, we are going to need each other much more, and each of us needs to reflect on how we can be "church" where we are, even if we are not able to get along to services.
How might we be the fragrance of Jesus in our community, in our street, even in our home? It's often easy (well it is for me) to focus in on our own needs and forget that there are others in need too. But we can be beacons of hope and trust in our community. If we are able to make contact and keep up with those in our community. Whilst visiting someone is no longer permitted, certainly giving them a call would be, particularly those who live on their own and might like a chat with a 'real' person.
I have outlined, below, some other ways in which we can stay connected during this time.
As Moses prepares to handover to Joshua and the people of Israel look across the Jordan River he says to Israel: ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.' Deut. 31:6
To keep in touch, we recommend that... join the Church What's App Group
(to do this you need to send your mobile number to Marc 07920805703) regularly check this Church website and The Madoch Centre Facebook page for updates.
On the advice of the Church of Scotland COVID Task Group, all routine pastoral visiting has been suspended until further notice.
However, pastoral phone calls can be arranged, and you are encouraged to call the Church office on 01738 861023 or email to to arrange this when required. Please add any prayer requests to the WhatsApp page, the Prayer Request page of this website or email Marc - please let him know if the request is confidential.
We will also endeavour to keep in touch with the most vulnerable members of the Church through phone calls and cards. We have already had offers from folk willing to phone people or help stay in touch.
We are helping the wider community through the Community Larder and will advertise through Madoch Facebook Page as to what we are needing. The 'Community Larder' has been created in the container at the back right-hand-side of the Centre where non-perishable foods and some necessities can be accessed.
These goods have been donated by individuals or businesses and provide a way of local people getting things they may require. It obviously saves unnecessarily journeys in to town. The idea is you just help yourself.
If you or someone you know has a need of food or some other essentials to tide them over at this time, please give us a call.
You can still go for a walk (1 hour a day on your own or with a family member), but please follow government guidelines. This can be a great opportunity for prayer.
Finances & Giving
As there is no public gathering for worship naturally our church finances will be significantly affected. If you gave through open plate or FWO envelopes you can still put the money aside each week until it will be possible to deliver it to church. However, should you wish to, it would be helpful if you were able to set up a standing order during this time.
To set up a standing order you will require the appropriate information so please contact the Centre office and we will get this information to you.
Keep in Touch
Please keep in touch!
This season of uncertainty will pass and although there will be challenges there will be opportunities to give and receive love and care. We will grow as disciples as we pray, engage with the word and worship together although in a different way. If you are anxious, share it, if you have gifts, share them and let's spur one another to lift our eyes and hearts to God!
You are loved and valued, and we are grateful to have you as part of the church family.
With gratefulness and dependence on God,
2nd April 20
Click here for a useful guide to reflective bible reading from The Scottish Bible Society.
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This page last updated 29th May 22